Sunday, March 11, 2007

.: Im siiiiiick :.

Ugh im ill and bored and ugh...but all the same, this weekend was pretty good! I didnt do much other than sit around and be lazy sooo that makes for a pretty good weekend. Ok...on to sl stuff cuz i know no one reads this to find out how im feeling lol!

I talked to someone who I havent spoken with in a long time ( we had some issues that I wont get into ) and i think it went rather well. Im not really a mean person, Im not the asshole everyone thinks I am...actually I get more shit cuz Im too nice, which I think is starting to change a lil bit. I let people tell me what to do alot and how to think, but hopefully Ive broken that habit. Im actually pretty happy with how things have been going lately and I love the people who are around me...they know who they are <3. So other than that I just hung out on sl all weekend cuz i was sick...but dont worry my kid was not ignored, i know there are some concerned people out there LOL! So this week im gonna try to get off living off child support and stuff and hopefully Gids gonna get off meth...inside joke and we will be good after that, because no, i dont like boys with no teeth and cold sores :P ok im off to do nothing and goooood nite <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I made you sick. I warned you not to share the same ball-gag as me. & thx for sharing that rather good cactus. I heart u!